Meaningful Travel Summit with the Willamette Valley Educational Sessions & Schedule

Dawnielle Tehama Headshot


Senior Associate Principal

Dawnielle Tehama is a leading expert in sustainable tourism and destination management. As the former Executive Director of the Willamette Valley Visitors Association (WVVA), she led groundbreaking initiatives in regenerative travel and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEI), significantly advancing sustainable tourism in the region. Her leadership in integrating these principles into the local tourism framework earned her accolades such as the NTA’s Woman of the Year award.

In addition to her extensive experience, Dawnielle is also a Certified Diversity Tourism Professional (CDTP), an Oregon Tourism Leadership Academy (OTLA) graduate, and a Transformative Design course alumna through the Transformational Travel Council. Actively engaged in sustainability efforts, Dawnielle serves as a Climate Champion for the Willamette Valley within the Expedia Sustainable Destination DMO program. Her expertise and accomplishments make her a valuable contributor to discussions on the future of responsible tourism in the Willamette Valley region and beyond.

Dawnielle Tehama | Coraggio Group

September 30: Education Session

Panel 1: Cultivars of Connection: Agritourism and Rural Community Empowerment

Discover how agritourism acts as a powerful force for rural revitalization and community empowerment. This session will explore agritourism's role in driving local economic growth, preserving cultural and agricultural heritage, and fostering sustainable development. Delve into how agritourism can help regenerate local communities, offering long-term income sources and enriching the tourist experience. Learn from local changemakers how to create authentic, impactful experiences that appeal to modern travelers while supporting rural communities.

  • Moderator: Jessy Fabrizio-Stover, Willamette Valley Visitors Association

    Destination Development Manager

    Jessy Fabrizio-Stover (She/Her) is the Destination Development Manager at the Willamette Valley Visitors Association (WVVA), the Regional Destination Management Organization for the Willamette Valley. Having entered tourism with a background in Ecology and Evolution, Jessy is deeply committed to responsible and sustainable tourism development. Particularly focused on regenerative tourism, recreation development, and agritourism support her work emphasizes collaboration with local communities to create tourism initiatives that benefit residents and visitors alike. Jessy is dedicated to equitable destination development and ensuring the Willamette Valley remains a welcoming and inclusive year-round destination. Recently Jessy was recognized during Oregon’s 2024 Travel and Tourism Industry Achievement Awards as the Willamette Valley’s Rising Star.

  • Meara McNally Butler, Fairsing Vineyard

    General Manager

    Meara McNally Butler is the General Manager at Fairsing Vineyard, a family-run and sustainability-focused vineyard. Meara works closely with her parents, the proprietors of Fairsing Vineyard. Fairsing strives to act as a good steward of the land with respect for the stewards who came before and practices that can sustain it into the future. Fairsing’s sustainability focuses include re-forestation, soil health, and pollinator habitat.

  • Audrey Comerford, OSU Extension Service

    Agritourism Coordinator

    Audrey Comerford serves as the Agritourism Coordinator for OSU Extension Service in Marion, Polk and Yamhill Counties. Growing up in the Willamette Valley gave her the opportunity to be familiar with diverse farming activities. Audrey’s efforts strive to bring education and understanding about the benefits of agritourism and farm-direct marketing as an additional revenue source to farmers, tourism groups and government entities. She is part of the OSU College of Agriculture’s Agritourism Working Group and currently collaborates with organizations such as Travel Oregon, nonprofits, economic development, and local tourism offices. Audrey also works on efforts like farm loops and food trails, agritourism research projects and is one of the instructors of the agritourism online course. Before joining the OSU Extension Service, Audrey coordinated and managed school tours along with other aspects of farm-direct sales. She currently lives on a small farm with her husband and raises Romney sheep.

  • Tessa Koch, TMK Creamery & Distillery


    Tessa received a Bachelor of Animal Science degree and Master of Arts degree in Philosophy, Animal Science, and Political Science. Se has 21 years of farming experience. Having spent most of her professional career in commercial finance, Tessa was delighted to move to full-time entrepreneurial ventures in 2017. In addition to managing TMK Farm, Creamery, and Distillery with her husband, Todd, she has been an active board member and current chairperson of Friends of Children Klamath Basin since 2014, chairs her local farm loop, and sits on the board of her local tourism directors council. Previous board affiliation and volunteer work includes local city development council, education needs for differently abled children, and community fundraisers where Tessa has offered expertise in finances, marketing, and business management.

  • Jeremy Mitchell, Flying Bee Ranch


    Jeremy Mitchell became interested in honey bees while a student at Oregon State University. He graduated with his B.S. degree in Recreation Resource Management and Natural Resources in 2012. The following spring, Jeremy enrolled in OSU’s Master Beekeeper Program where his love for bees was solidified. Jeremy now runs Flying Bee Ranch in Salem, Oregon with his partner, Delsey Maus. Together they have transformed their once sideliner beekeeping operation into a popular agritourist destination and long-term resource for hobby beekeepers in the Willamette Valley. Their farm store offers beekeeping supplies, beekeeping classes, spring nucs, and Oregon’s largest selection of varietal honeys. Flying Bee Ranch offers year-round honey tastings. The tasting room is open Tue-Sat 9am-5pm. Learn more at

Session: Trellising Impact: UnTours, B Corps, and Sustaining an Impactful Industry

Director of Impact

Sarah Payne is the Director of Impact at the UnTours Foundation, where she manages the foundation's mission-aligned investment portfolio. Sarah has an interdisciplinary background in economic development, world history, and business. After starting her career working with nonprofits both in the United States and abroad on economic development initiatives, she has spent nearly a decade consulting with businesses to improve their social and environmental impact. An entrepreneur herself, Sarah believes passionately in the power of business to create a more just, inclusive, and regenerative world. Sarah is an adventurer at heart and loves to travel and enjoy the great outdoors through hiking, running, camping, and (most recently) surfing.

Sarah Payne, Untours Foundation

Panel 2: Uncorking Access: Understanding Disability Inclusion in Travel

Explore the critical importance of making tourism accessible - and fun -  for everyone. As the industry evolves, embracing disability inclusion is essential for creating welcoming and inclusive travel experiences. This session will address the common barriers to accessibility in tourism—such as challenges in the built environment, customer service, and training—and provide practical solutions for overcoming them. The discussion will also cover the vital role each of us can play in advocating for and supporting accessible tourism. Moderated by Roni Weiss from Travel Unity, this session will equip you with the tools to champion accessibility and drive meaningful change in the travel industry.

  • Moderator: Roni Weiss, Travel Unity

    Executive Director

    Roni Weiss is the Executive Director of Travel Unity, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit focused on making the world of travel welcoming to people of all backgrounds and identities. 

    Born in New York and raised in Washington State, Roni received his AAS with Honors at the age of 12. He graduated from high school at 15 and received double Bachelor’s in Drama and English at the age of 18.

    At Travel Unity, Roni has led the curation of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) Standards for Travel & Tourism and the management of its individual and organizational DEI certification programs. Through the Travel Unity Alliance, Roni helps connect organizations serious about applied DEI to one another and to resources to further their work to become more inclusive.

    Roni has visited 70+ countries, including every country in Europe, and six of seven continents. He lives in Pleasantville, NY with his partner, Lauren, and their four children.

  • Geoff Babb, The Onward Project

    Founder and Chairman

    Geoff Babb is a two-time stroke survivor with a passion to make wild places accessible to those with mobility challenges. His vision and leadership have led to the creation of the AdvenChair, a convertible wheelchair, equally capable of traveling off-road in sand, rocks, or snow, and into buildings. AdvenChairs have been to Machu Picchu, the Grand Canyon, the CaminodeFatima, helped kids experience outdoor school, elder adventurers revisit favorite trails, and allowed entire families to get outside together. AdvenChair is now partnering with Wanderlust Tours to offer AdvenTours, accessible guided natural history tours in Central Oregon. See for more information.

  • Joe Jamison, VisitAble

    CEO & Founder

    Joe's father has used a wheelchair for his entire life, and Joe noticed how his father was treated differently from the rest of his family and that the world was not designed for people with disabilities in mind. He founded VisitAble, to create more welcoming and inclusive environments for all, by working to remove barriers and change attitudes related to disability.

  • Steve Kroger, Trailkeepers of Oregon

    Executive Director

    Steve has worked in parks and natural areas for nearly 20 years, around San Francisco, Milwaukee, WI, and across Oregon – connecting people to nature is integral to his passion. Prior to TKO, he served 10 years with Oregon State Parks, spending his last 2 years with the Gorge State Parks management team. As TKO’s first staff person in July 2017, Steve accepted the challenge of moving from a volunteer-led organization to a statewide effort with staff support of Oregon’s trails. Being driven by people-power, the proof of success is in the smiling faces found in the TKO staff directory and the thousands of volunteers they support each day – at more and more scenic sites across the state. Contact Steve at

  • Susan Sygall, Mobility International USA

    Susan Sygall is an internationally recognized expert in the area of international development, international exchange, and leadership programs for persons with disabilities. She is the co-founder and CEO of Mobility International USA (MIUSA) which advances disability rights and leadership globally. She has been honored with a MacArthur Fellowship and the “President’s award.”

    She has co-authored numerous publications, co-produced several award-winning videos, and lectured around the world on topics related to international development and disability rights. Susan received her master’s degree from the University of Oregon and holds two honorary doctorate degrees from Chapman University and the University of Portland. Most recently, she received the Convention Leadership Award from Travel Lane County in 2024. Susan provides consultation to ensure that all travel destinations are inclusive.

October 1: Education Session

Edith and Randy Woodley, Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice and Farm & Seeds


Randy and Edith Woodley are a dynamic couple deeply committed to Indigenous spirituality, justice, and earth empowerment. Randy, a legally recognized Keetoowah Cherokee descendant, is a respected author, theologian, and former Distinguished Professor of Faith and Culture Emeritus at George Fox University/Portland Seminary. His writings, blending Indigenous wisdom, ecology, and theology, have garnered international recognition. Edith, of Eastern Shoshone descent with ties to several other Indigenous nations, is a talented traditional bead worker, seed-keeper, and storyteller. Together, they co-founded the Eloheh Indigenous Center for Earth Justice and Eloheh Farm & Seeds, where they work to foster equity and justice for Indigenous communities. They also co-lead a mentoring cohort, “Decolonizing with Badass Indigenous Grandmas,” and will release their co-authored book, Journey to Eloheh: How Indigenous Values Lead Us to Harmony and Well-Being, in October 2024. The Woodleys actively engage in creative pursuits, using art, music, and storytelling to convey messages of hope, justice, and healing. They also serve as Indigenous cultural consultants at

Meaningful Experiences

The Summit program will feature meaningful travel experiences that allow attendees to explore the Willamette Valley region and engage with local changemakers. These activities will highlight sustainable practices and community impact, offering a deeper understanding of the region's unique offerings.

Click below to learn more about the various experiences.

October 2: Education Session

Strengthening the Supply Chain: Building Sustainable and Meaningful Partnerships, with Alon Tourism Solutions

This morning, we will explore the crucial role that every segment of the travel industry plays in fostering a more sustainable and meaningful future. We’ll discuss the key themes of sustainable product development and how relationships between the travel trade and local changemakers can enhance the quality of our whole industry. Participants will gain insights into the unique challenges these suppliers face, particularly as they may be less connected to the traditional travel trade, and learn practical strategies for building strong, supportive partnerships. The discussion will highlight the pivotal role you can play in facilitating these connections and ensuring that sustainable practices are integrated across the industry. 

During the session, attendees will engage in breakout sessions and discussions, providing a space to reflect on how they can implement these ideas within their own organizations. The session will culminate with each participant making a personal commitment to support a more meaningful and sustainable future in your daily work, reinforcing the collective responsibility to elevate sustainable suppliers and practices in the travel industry.

The session this morning will be led by Jennifer Ackerson, President/CEO of Alon Tourism Solutions, and is sponsored by the International Inbound Travel Association (IITA). IITA's Inbound Insider Steps to Success™, delivered in partnership with Alon Tourism Solutions, helps DMOs and their tourism suppliers develop products that inbound operators can sell to the international trade – tour operators, travel agents, MICE, and other travel buyers.

  • Jennifer Ackerson, Alon Tourism Solutions


    Jennifer Ackerson is a 25+ year veteran of the travel industry with experience in working with all supplier business verticals, destinations, and the travel trade. Jennifer founded Alon with a mission in mind to cultivate tourism destinations and supplier businesses to succeed at their tourism goals. Jennifer has an excellent understanding of tourism, the visitor dynamic and the domestic and international buyer/supplier travel trade relationship, which results in a high level of successful tourism business development strategies. Jennifer is well recognized in the industry and has a remarkable reputation, receiving awards by prestigious industry organizations for tourism marketing, travel professionalism, and exuding great leadership. Most notably, Alon spearheads the nationwide ‘Steps to Success’ international inbound travel training program in partnership with International Inbound Travel Association (IITA) and the ongoing ‘Tourism Ready’ program for NYC & Company, the official DMO of New York City. Alon specializes in delivering custom tourism activation programs assisting destinations and tourism businesses to streamline their travel trade partnerships and maximize ROI.

  • Julie Heizer, International Inbound Travel Association (IITA)


    Julie Heizer retired from the U.S. Department of Commerce last year following 24 years’ service in the National Travel and Tourism Office (NTTO).  She is delighted to now be Ambassador to the International Inbound Travel Association where she has been tasked with getting the travel and tourism industry “trained up” on the importance of working with international inbound trade professionals through the joint IITA/Alon Tourism Solution’s Inbound Insider Steps to Success program.

    She twice served as NTTO’s Acting Director, but her primary work centered around managing all federal components of the Travel Promotion Act (TPA), serving as the Department’s liaison to Brand USA, managing oversight of the $100M matching funds, and ensuring the government’s compliance.

    Julie served a combined 20 years in leadership roles at various destination marketing organizations and worked for five years at the U.S. Travel Association. 

    Julie loves travel, theater, good food/books/movies – not necessarily in that order! 

Thank You to our Hosts and Sponsors: